# 149 Firefighter saved his Niece

# 149 Firefighter saved his Niece

Sep 19th 2024

As a father of 2 and a fireman when I saw this product I knew the importance of it. As the family laughed that I bought 3, one for diaper bag, one for home, and one for grandparents house they all thought when would we ever use that? My answer was this is something I never want to use but it is a needed medical device that has to be readily available. Well tonight at dinner unfortunately the device had to be used. My 11 month old Niece choked on a large chunk of mashed potatoes. Do to the quick thinking of fellow family members they quickly got her out of her high chair and started back blows. I grabbed the Dechoker and after 2 pumps her airway was clear. Thanks to you guys that have made this excellent medical device, we were able to clear the obstruction within a second. I am very surprised that we do not carry this device on the fire engines and in ambulances. Thank you very much, Austin S.