173rd: Father saved his 4 year-old son

173rd: Father saved his 4 year-old son

Sep 19th 2024

I recently saved my son’s life with the DeChoker here the details:

My son was eating a starburst and it got caught in his throat and he couldn’t breathe. I did back blows for about 30 - 45 seconds (which seemed like an eternity when I was going through it). As I did the back blows, I remembered that we had bought a DeChoker and I yelled to my wife to grab it from the cabinet over the fridge. We got it on my son’s face, and I noticed his lips were already turning blue. The starburst came out on the first try. It just popped right out and my son immediately took a deep breath in. I have never been so relieved in my entire life. That starburst WOULD NOT BUDGE from the back blows, but it SHOT OUT with the DeChoker. I had not tried the Heimlich on him yet, but I’m glad I didn’t have to; he is only 4 and I was worried that I would hurt him if I did it too hard. I’m not trying to sound dramatic, but I’m pretty sure the DeChoker saved his life. My wife and I bought two; one is above the fridge and one is in the car. Thanks for your amazing product. Sincerely, CW