177th: Parents saved their toddler daughter

177th: Parents saved their toddler daughter

Sep 19th 2024

"Today was the scariest day of my entire life. Iris was watching a funny cartoon while she ate dinner. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but I had just looked up to ask her to be careful of laughing too crazy while she’s eating because she can choke. Before I could get the words out of my mouth she did exactly what I was worried about. She inhaled dramatically and the food she was chewing got stuck in her throat. Her face almost instantly turned red and the panic on her face will haunt my dreams for a while. I immediately started patting her back and moved on to the Heimlich. It wasn’t working and she started to go limp in my arms. My husband was already grabbing and opening the @dechoker that I bought just 3 months ago. It took about 6 seconds to get it open, in her mouth and pulling a piece of meat out of her throat.

Hearing her take a huge gasp of air and starting to cry was a miracle. My poor baby was so scared and I don’t know how me and her daddy didn’t have a heart attack. I was very close to it and sat sobbing on the floor and thanking God for a good long time. I saw this medical device in passing, randomly thought it looked like a smart idea but moved on. Something kept nagging me for the rest of the afternoon that day and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to buy one just in case. I eventually went to find it that night and ordered two. I planned on getting just one for the baby because Luna isn’t the best at chewing yet, but I ended up buying one for Iris too just in case. Needless to say I’m so glad that I bought these and I recommend buying one to ALL of my parent friends. I can’t thank the people who made the Dechoker enough for making this device and for saving my 4 year old’s life. We will be forever grateful for your product. THANK YOU GOD!"