Dechoker® Saves Baby Boy from Choking on Apple Slices

Dechoker® Saves Baby Boy from Choking on Apple Slices

Sep 19th 2024

A mother reported Life Save #224 and posted the following on social media:

"Parents - PLEASE buy yourself a Dechoker to keep on hand. It's something you hope you'll never need but will be glad you have when you do. Jeremy bought me one last year when I moved into my place, and I had to use it on J tonight when he choked on apple slices. Thank you to Joe for keeping me calm and helping me in the moment of fear. Shout out to Olivia who is legit the best big sister and listened to everything I asked of her and remained calm until all was over. That little girl never hugged her brother so hard as when it was all over with. Final shout goes to J for scaring the living Jesus out of me , and asking for more apples after.

Go buy one now."

- Brittany