Man Uses Dechoker® to Save Himself from Choking

Man Uses Dechoker® to Save Himself from Choking

Sep 19th 2024

Chris contacted Dechoker to report that he used the Dechoker on himself. His story in his words is as follows:

"I bought this to have on hand for my elderly mom in case she ever chokes again so I don’t hurt her fragile body trying to give her the Heimlich Maneuver like I’ve done in the past. Tonight I was eating a salad when I began to choke on my dinner. I ran to the kitchen trying to make myself throw up and it wasn’t working so I turned and saw the Dechoker. First pump and the piece of lettuce was dislodged. I thought I was a goner... Thanks again for the Dechoker. The puppy in my arms is my new service dog Bailey."

- Chris M.