Resident Saved From Doughnut

Resident Saved From Doughnut

Sep 19th 2024

"I work at a long term care facility and a resident was choking on a doughnut, it was too far down to sweep out and the Heimlich maneuver was not working. I had recently bought a Dechoker and had brought it to show the administrator hoping to get it approved for our crash carts and still had it at the facility. I retrieved the Dechoker and used it on the man, it instantly pulled up a large piece of food into the device and pulled the remainder of the obstruction high enough that it could be swept out with a finger. He began breathing again and his O2 saturation started to rise along with his pulse. I thoroughly believe had I not had this with me that day, the man would have likely died. I am definitely a believer and will promote this product everywhere I can. Thank you." - Michael K.