

Sep 18th 2024

This morning while I was making lily breakfast daisy was happily playing in the pantry which I allowed because I keep things clean and didn’t think there was anything in there that would hurt her.... well... as I’m standing there watching her play I notice she’s starting to struggle. She’s obviously chocking. So I zone in on her and watch her to see if she’ll be able to resolve it herself... As I watch I just know she’s struggling more and more. As the seconds are going by and she’s now turning all blotchy and red I’m starting to panic. When she made no noise other than choking sounds by this point I had her in my hands and was trying to dislodge it through her chest compressions... I could tell this was bad.. this was REALLY bad she needed some serious help. I contemplated wether to call 911 right then or grab my Dechoker that I had in a safe spot easily accessible. quickly I grabbed it and used it on her and a ball of plastic was dislodged from her throat. This device saved my babies life today. I had 911 typed in my phone and was ready to call till I realized that the device did what it was supposed to and cleared her airways. I’m writing this all teary eyed so thankful that she’s her playing next to me. I highly suggest getting this device if you have little kids... my morning could have been a tragedy with out it.