#128 is this beautiful little angel in the picture

#128 is this beautiful little angel in the picture

Sep 18th 2024

HERE THE TESTIMONY OF THE MOM: “I heard her making a strange noise and looked up to see she was choking and her skin was turning purple. We flipped her across my husbands lap and began tapping her back trying to clear her throat. At this point we called 911. We then remembered out Dechoker we had bought a few months prior and ran to get it. We used it as directed and heard a loud suction as we pulled and the lever. There was a large piece of chicken from lunch that the Dechoker dislodged from her throat and she was able to take a big gasp of air and let out a cry. After her throat was cleared the paramedics arrived about 10 minutes later to examine her and she was healthy and doing well. I know it was a sign from God that we bought this product and I am confident it saved our baby girls life. I am so grateful for this product and may God bless everyone that works for this company.” A.H.