#131 Ben saved his son

#131 Ben saved his son

Sep 18th 2024

"My name is Ben, A few nights ago the Dechoker saved my sons life. He's 8 years old. He was eating... cereal in the living room and I heard him making a odd noise. I looked over from the kitchen and he appeared to be struggling to breath. I asked him if he could breathe and he looked up and just shook his head no. I asked him again and he shook his head in more of a panic this time. I grabbed the Dechoker from the top of the fridge and ripped the packaging open. I got down on the floor and he put the tube in his mouth and I pushed the mouth piece against him to make a seal. I pumped the handle 4 times and on the 4th pull I felt the suction get really tight and then the cereal came out. He took a huge breath and was ok after that."

I want to thank you with everything I have. I don't know the Heimlich maneuver and am certain that the Dechoker saved his life.