172nd: Parents saved their precious daughter

172nd: Parents saved their precious daughter

Sep 19th 2024

???Choking Storytime???? Last night, Finnley choked on a Goldfish cracker. I did everything “right”. I had broken the cracker in half, knowing she wasn’t an expert eater just yet. She was eating happily and then she started gagging. The gagging turned to choking. I am infant and child first aid certified, so I jumped into action with the Heimlich maneuver. It did not work after multiple intense attempts. David ran to get the Dechoker device. We immediately placed her on the floor, lifted her chin to open her airway, and placed the device over her nose and mouth. We then suctioned everything from her throat out, and out came pieces of Goldfish cracker. After a few minutes of intense crying, Finnley calmed down and she was back to my baby. Today, her face is deeply bruised from the suction pressure of the Dechoker, but that $50 device saved her life. Watch others while they eat. Children choke, but so do adults. Buy this device for your toddlers, the next size up for children, and consider getting one for adults. A $50 device could save your loved one’s life. Every. Second. Counts." H.M.