Life Save #310: Husband saved with Dechoker

Life Save #310: Husband saved with Dechoker

Sep 20th 2024

"This device has saved my husband’s life. He has Huntington’s disease and I had to perform the Heimlich on him six months ago. My friend told me about the Dechoker. I purchased one and kept it in the kitchen. The other day, my husband was eating a sandwich and started to choke. I tried to do the Heimlich and was unsuccessful. My son grabbed the Dechoker. It instantly and effectively cleared his airway. A piece of bread that was 3 inches long was cleared from his throat. Had it not been for your product, my husband would not be alive. I shared my story with the Huntington’s disease support group and on my Facebook page, encouraging others to purchase this product. I can’t thank you enough for this product. My school nurse heard my story and now several elementary schools are purchasing the product to have in their cafeterias." - Laura C.