Toddler in High Chair is 257th Life Save

Toddler in High Chair is 257th Life Save

Sep 19th 2024

"We just used the Dechoker device successfully on our 13-month old son approximately 30 minutes ago. My wife, son, and I were finishing up dinner in the kitchen, when my son started choking. We immediately started pulling him out of his high chair, and I began back slaps on him, holding him in a downward angle. After approximately 10-15 seconds of that, he started turning blue, and I put him on the ground to assess him. Our Dechoker device was in a drawer, 5-feet away. I grabbed it, put it over his face, and pulled. He immediately started making a few more noises than before, and some color returned. After a while clearing out his throat himself, he seemed all better. An ambulance (which was on the way the whole time), checked him out and he was all clear. Thank you so much for this Dechoker device. We’re not sure what would have happened without it." - Eric A.