Buy Dechoker

Dechoker® Device is Safe and Effective for Adults and Children!

The Dechoker has already saved over 460 lives.

This life-saving device sits over the victim’s mouth and nose to create a seal, pull back on the handle and a vacuum dislodges any airway blockage in seconds. The Dechoker® device gives you peace of mind knowing you’re always prepared and your loved ones are protected… because every second counts.

  • Choking is a Leading Cause of Death for Children
  • Statistics Prove That Help Will Not Get To You in Time: U.S. Emergency Response Time 8-14 Minutes. Every Second Counts™
  • The Dechoker® device Is Ready to Use Right Out of The Box!
  • Dechoker® device Works On Toddlers, Children, and Adults – You can even use it on yourself!
  • Protect Your Loved Ones Today!